Abba is Everywhere!

 I have just returned from the UK where I visited my dear Dad and the fantastic Abba Voyage show in London – an amazing digital show of light and technology where you think you are seeing Abba but of course you‘re not … well worth a visit! And of course we all got dressed up as you can see in the photo …

So you could say that Abba is still everywhere, which brings me to my topic this week. A few weeks ago, a certain person who I know very well (we’ll call him Mr Secret as I don‘t want to mention names 😊) decided not to tell me where he was going. I mentioned a few places and was told he was going ‘elsewhere’. He also mentioned to a friend he was ‘somewhere’. I started to think, he could be ‘anywhere’ but definitely not ‘nowhere’ or ‘everywhere’.

Are you confused? Well let’s pretend I have lost my keys (a regular occurrence 😊). I could say,

They could be anywhere.            They could be in one of many different places.

I have looked everywhere!         I have looked in many places but with no luck.

They must be somewhere!         They can’t have disappeared.

They are nowhere to be found. I am getting desperate.

They must be elsewhere.           I need to start looking somewhere different!

Get it?

I still wish I knew where he had been, whichever one it was!

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