I have just been visiting my 97-year old Dad in England and realized I have now been in Germany for 45 years … and am still so British!
I love English humour and had to chuckle at the attached sign at Heathrow Airport – but note the punctuation error ☹.
And I got very annoyed with myself for being so British in the local swimming pool and not telling the fast swimmer in the slow lane to kindly move across to the fast lane where there was a lot of splashing going on. Me and the other lady tut tutted away and she replied with a distinct “Ridiculous” when I mentioned it was a bit splashy but we were both so British about not wanting to cause a fuss. …
It’s all about saving face, not upsetting other people, staying polite, indirect communication … do I need to go on?
It seems I’ll never change but I do sometimes wish I could be more direct!
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