I’m just on my way back from England where we celebrated my wonderful Dad’s 98th birthday with chocolate cake, candles and a cuppa. If you ever visit Britain, you might notice that no matter what happens—rain, sunshine, good news, bad news—there is always one solution: a cup of tea.
Tea is not just a drink in Britain; it is a way of life. It is a ritual, a comfort, and sometimes, an excuse to stop working for a few minutes. The English are not known for their dramatic displays of emotion. Instead, they like to quietly sip their tea and pretend everything is fine 😊.
Now, if you are in Britain and someone offers you tea, you should never say, “No, thanks” immediately. That would be too direct and the cause of the first major argument I had with my late husband … Instead, the correct way to refuse is to say something like:
• “Oh, I wouldn’t want to trouble you.” (Even if they have already made the tea.)
• “I’m fine for now, but thank you.” (Even if you are desperate for tea.)
If you do want tea, don’t just say, “Yes.” That’s too strong. Instead, say:
• “I wouldn’t say no to a cup, actually.”
• “If you’re having one, I’d love one too.”
And if you’re feeling really British, try:
• “Oh, go on then!” (as if you’re doing them a favour).
There was a short film on BBC Breakfast this morning about a man carrying a thermos of hot water, tea bags, milk and sugar in his rucksack. He wanders the streets offering a cup of tea to strangers walking alone. But he doesn’t just ask, „Would you like some tea?“ That would be too direct. Instead, he says, „I don’t suppose you’d like a cup of tea, would you?“ – a wonderfully British way of making it easy to say no. Some politely decline, some smile and accept, and for a few, this simple question starts a much-needed conversation. In a country where people are often too shy to ask for company, sometimes all it takes to combat loneliness is a cup of tea – and a question that makes it okay to say no. I was moved by this simple gesture.
So, if you ever find yourself in the UK, remember if someone asks, “Fancy a cuppa?” just say yes. You won’t regret it.
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