Kategorie: Uncategorized

Fancy a Cuppa?

I’m just on my way back from England where we celebrated my wonderful Dad’s 98th birthday with chocolate cake, candles and a cuppa. If you ever visit Britain, you might notice that no matter...

Season’s Greetings

“Are you ready for Christmas?” This is what the Brits often ask at this time of year, meaning have you bought all your presents, decorated the house, decided who is going to visit who...

Fireworks and Elections

5 November is a big day this year! In the USA, people will be casting votes for President, while in the UK, folks will be lighting up the night with fireworks and bonfires. Yes,...

English Banter

Now what is banter? It’s light-hearted, playful conversation where people tease each other in a friendly way. It’s a bit sarcastic, a little cheeky, and definitely fun. When my elder son went to study...

Still very British!

I have just been visiting my 97-year old Dad in England and realized I have now been in Germany for 45 years … and am still so British! I love English humour and had...


I had a wonderful weekend with my Poly Dollies – seven close friends I studied with at Birmingham POLYtechnic many moons ago (a long time ago 😊) and we have kept in touch ever...


I have actually just returned from Berlin and the second inspiring week of my Positive Psychology course. This week was all about recognizing our strengths and values and using them to our best advantage....

Indian Call Centres

I have just returned from the UK where the bus driver greeted me on arrival with „Happy to take you to Bournemouth my darling“ when I asked if I was at the right bus...

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