Lessons in Leadership
I’ve just come back from a weekend of input and inspiration at the annual conference for Business English trainers and the focus was, of course, on AI and ChatGPT and how we can use...
I’ve just come back from a weekend of input and inspiration at the annual conference for Business English trainers and the focus was, of course, on AI and ChatGPT and how we can use...
Now, there are some German words and phrases that just don’t translate into English, so I have adopted them into the English language 😊. One of them is ‘doppelt gemoppelt‘ – I love it!...
I recently read on a colleague’s website, “The problem is not the level of your English. The problem is how you feel when you speak it.” The more I talk to my students, the...
Some of you may know that I love playing games so it was lovely to start the weekend on Friday with a games night with good friends. We were playing Wizard (a highly recommendable...
Now, do you use ‘donkey bridges’ for English words you just cannot remember? Of course, the official translation of ‘Eselsbrücke’ is ‘mnemonic’, a word I’ve just had to look up twice to get the...
As promised, and because it is still holiday season, my topic today is fiction books. Now fiction refers to literature created from the imagination and can be mysteries, science fiction, romance, fantast, chick lit...
What do you like to do on holiday? Are you an avid reader? I have been asked for a list of good English books, but before I start I must tell you about ‘fake...
I hope you are surviving the heat! I am so happy to be in the UK where I can enjoy the cooler temperatures by the sea (here’s a photo of Bournemouth beach). Now this...
I bet you guessed I would talk about the weather this week, didn’t you 😊. Some of you may know that it is NOT my weather, I am still very British when it comes...
I have just returned from a fascinating road trip around East Germany and was amazed by all the ‘unsung treasures’ we visited (to coin a phrase which a good friend of mine called the...
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