Kategorie: Uncategorized

The Generation Gap

A couple of weeks ago I came across this article which has caused a lot of conversation in lessons – it’s about the skills I, a Baby Boomer (born 1946 – 1964), possess which...

Coronation Adjectives

I’m sure a lot of you watched some of the Coronation – even if it was just the highlights which couldn’t be missed 😊. So, what did you think of the extravagant event? Over...

The Coronation

It was very kind of 1 May to fall on a Monday this year 😊. In England, all public holidays are taken on a Monday to give everyone the chance to have a long...

Who Moved My Cheese?

As I write this, I am just on my way back from a very relaxing week with my 96-old Dad. I am so proud of him and his fitness – his life motto is...

Happy Easter!

Well it’s countdown to the Easter break and hope you’ll be doing something nice – even if it’s just chilling to some good films with nice Easter eggs 😊. Easter starts in the UK...

Success Stories

I always love to hear success stories from my students on their rocky path to perfect English and I’d like to share one with you today – from Marion. I have been teaching Marion...

Sofa and Spotlight

One thing I love about the weekends are my post-lunch naps (also called 40 winks!) on the sofa with the Saturday edition of the Wiesbadener Kurier – yes a REAL newspaper! I also enjoy...

More ChatGPT

I would like to share this limerick (humorous verse) with you … There once was a teacher named LizWhose newsletter was not one to missShe taught English with zeal*And made grammar a mealHer students...

ChatGPT and Small Talk

I’m sure most of you will have heard of ChatGPT, the chat bot which uses artificial intelligence to create and optimize language models. Sina (my son Marc’s partner) and I had a great time...

Student-Driven Learning

Hope you all had a nice weekend and could enjoy the snow which fell Friday night – it was like a winter wonderland here on Saturday morning! Did you know that in the UK,...

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