Books Galore!

What do you like to do on holiday? Are you an avid reader? I have been asked for a list of good English books, but before I start I must tell you about ‘fake books’.

I don’t know about you, but are you fascinated by the number of books people display behind them in your online calls and try to read the titles in a boring moment? Well, they might not be real! The demand for fake books has really risen since the start of the pandemic, and these can be bought in any title or colour. Not a bad idea, especially as we probably don’t read half the books on our shelves anyway … A colleague recently said it’s good to surround ourselves in books to remind us of everything we don’t know. I like to look at my old cookery books and large dictionaries on my shelves, even though I know you can find everything online these days.

So first of all, here is a list of different types of books:

List of Book Types or Genres | YourDictionary

This is a list of my five non-fiction favourites (with the topic in brackets) which I love dipping into now and again:

Who Moved My Cheese (change) by Dr Spencer Johnson

The Big Five for Life (leadership) by John P. Strelecky

The Culture Map by Erin Meyer

Watching the English by Kate Fox

Eats, Shoots and Leaves (punctuation) by Lynne Truss

I’ll cover fiction books in my next newsletter, but before I finish, this is one of the funniest books I’ve ever seen … guess what is in it!

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