I have actually just returned from Berlin and the second inspiring week of my Positive Psychology course. This week was all about recognizing our strengths and values and using them to our best advantage. I love the fact that it is all scientifically based and am surprised so little research has been done so far on what makes us happy and lead a meaningful life.

But now I’ve got to start planning an essay I have to write at the end of the course to get the certification. I think it must be 45 years since I last wrote an essay for an exam and that was on my dear manual typewriter which I now keep safely under my desk rather on it!

I am thinking about focusing on WOOP and procrastination as I have some dear friends who tend to put things off 😊and I’m hoping that I can try some positive psychology out on them 😊.

So what is WOOP? Well it stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan and is a practical, easy-to-use evidence-based activity that can help you to fulfil your wishes. Imagine you have a Wish to learn more vocabulary in English for which the Outcome could be greater self-confidence. Instead of thinking I never seem to have time, think about the Obstacle which is preventing you from doing it, maybe surfing on social media after dinner when you could be learning a few words :-). So you make a Plan to learn five new words when you feel like going onto Instagram etc., maybe using flashcards, a small step which over time could become a big step!

I am planning to apply it to my Obstacle and passion for crisps which could be hindering me in my Wish to lose some weight 😊… wish me luck! 

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