Englisch Training

English training online or in-person. Improve English on a one-to-one basis or in small groups in the comfort of my home, your home or at work. Training is geared to suit your individual needs and improve your English language skills in, for example, small talk and social competence, telephone communication (including conference calls), emails, meetings, negotiations, interviews as well as presentations. I use a variety of games and role-plays to reinforce grammar and improve your self-confidence. English conversation and fun learning are an important part of my service!

Since March 2015, my son Marc Jolliffe has been supporting my services in the Frankfurt area. Marc is also a highly qualified English trainer as well as professional keyboard teacher and musician (https://pianomarc.de). We both follow the same principles of individually designed courses and fun learning.

I would not have thought it possible at the beginning to reach such a level of English, which is now used daily and is alternated with German between meetings without any real loss of quality. I even confidently accept invitations for roundtables from the Institute of Internal Auditors from the USA.” Head of Internal Auditing.Many thanks!

“Liz and Marc are a tremendous asset to training & development at Lagardère. It’s not only about training, it’s all about motivation and positive affirmation. For many years Liz has been a reliable and sound partner. With Marc completing the team, we appreciate all they do to keep our English students happy. Thank you very much for your great support!”

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