Have you got some nice Christmas markets in your area? I helped out at our local one in Niedernhausen yesterday and had a lot of fun selling and of course drinking mulled wine . I just love this time of year in Germany and am happy that I infected my “boys” at an early age. We have had a lot of fun tree this past week putting up and decorating the house with lights and the all important tree.
Of course I have been writing my Christmas cards which you can read all about in my Christmas blog from last year.
Since then, I have read that the first Christmas card was actually sent out by Michael Maier, a German physicist, who sent the card to James 1 of England in 1611. I have also often wondered why robins (Rotkehlchen) feature on a lot of Christmas cards and have now found out that back in the 19th century, British postmen used to wear bright red uniforms and soon became known as ‘robins’. They therefore became a popular motif, commonly depicted as sitting on top of postboxes.
Here are a couple more nice texts for English business cards:
Season’s greetings! May your business be merry and bright throughout the festive season and beyond.
Sending holiday cheer to your business – may the coming year be filled with growth, accomplishments, and joy.
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