Vision Boards

During one of my weekly Zoom calls with my Poly Dollies (my student friends from almost 50 years ago!!), Ingrid told me about a retreat she had attended. “We all made vision boards,” she said, showing me hers. It was full of her wishes and goals for the year in pictures and words. I thought what a great idea and decided to make one for myself (it really makes you reflect on your life). And then I came up with the idea that this would be a brilliant activity for my students to practise their presentation skills!

It has been great seeing and talking about all your vision boards over the past few weeks and now I’ve had my next brainwave. How about making one with your goals in English? What could you put on it?

  1. A picture of your dream destination – Do you want to visit London? New York? Put up a photo to remind yourself why you’re learning.
  2. A list of words to learn – You could use post-it notes.
  3. A list of fun ways to practice – Like watching TV shows with English subtitles, singing along to your favorite songs, or talking to your pet in English (they won’t judge).
  4. A “daily challenge” section – Add post-it notes with tasks such as “Learn 5 new idioms,” “Write a short story,” or “Speak only English for one hour.”
  5. A reminder to talk to real people – Online language exchanges, English-speaking meetups, or just practising with a friend.

Have you got any ideas? When you’re done, put it up somewhere where you’ll see it daily and be reminded of your good intentions. Your future fluent self will thank you 😊.

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